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Workshop Registration Details


Mathematics Achievement Academy: 4th Grade

In the 3-day Mathematics Achievement Academy participants will:
Examine the grade appropriate TEKS based on learning progressions and critical checkpoints for student understanding;
Experience classroom-ready activities, including formative assessment and follow-up activities that account for learner variability;
Build a toolkit of strategies and key questions through analysis of activities for students with disabilities, English language learners, students struggling to learn mathematics, and gifted learners;

Math Achievement Academies are geared primarily for Grade 4 math teachers, or teachers that have never attended any of the previous K-3 Math Academies. Teachers that have previously participated in any Math Academy in the past are ineligible to receive the one-time stipend of $350, if the training takes place on non-contract days.







Instruction for Students with Diverse Needs
TTESS 1.1 Standards and Alignment
TTESS 1.3 Knowledge of Students
TTESS 1.4 Activities
TTESS 2.4 Differentiation

...There are no COOPs...

Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
Education Service Center
Brooks County Room
6/17/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM
Education Service Center
La Lomita Room
6/18/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM
Education Service Center
Rio Grande Room
6/25/2024 8:00 AM 3:30 PM
Education Service Center
Science Lab B
6/28/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Ramon Guzman Presenter
Ramon Guzman Contact (956) 984-6114
Mariah Garcia Billing Contact (956) 984-6041

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.