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Workshop Registration Details


Understanding Impact and Need Statements - Pre-requisite TEALearn Coursework - (South Texas ISD Only) - VIRTUAL

This technical assistance session will provide guidance for writing compliant and effective impact and need statements related to the student’s disability included in the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFPs) which lead to development of an appropriate individualized education program (IEP). This session has as a pre-requisite that registered participants complete Modules 1.0 -3.1 of the TEALearn Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training, Canvas-Based Course. Participants will complete the rest of the course modules by the district-established deadline.

Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training
The focus of this session is developing present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) development based on student data, drafting annual goals (academic and/or functional) and objectives, if appropriate, and collecting data for reporting progress.

Participants will understand the importance of these components and how their alignment results in an appropriate and ambitious individualized education program for students receiving special education and related services.

The intended audience for this training is special education teachers, related service providers, and any other professional staff responsible for drafting a student’s IEP, including present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and measurable annual goals.

This training was created by the Child Find, Evaluation, and ARD Support Statewide Technical Assistance Network in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency with state and federal grants.

Special Education Staff











Data Analysis
Diagnosis / Removal of Obstacles to Student Learning
Diversity and Special Needs Populations
Educator Effectiveness
Instruction for Students with Diverse Needs
Special Education
Student Services
TPESS 1a Rigorous/aligned curriculum and assessment
TPESS 1b Effective instructional practices
TPESS 1c Data-driven instruction / interventions
TPESS 1d Maximize learning for all students
TTESS 1.2 Data and Assessment
TTESS 1.3 Knowledge of Students
TTESS 2.4 Differentiation
TTESS 2.5 Monitor and Adjust

Workshop Materials

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Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
Online Webinar 4/9/2024 2:30 PM 4:30 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Angelica Hinojosa Presenter
Sylvia Gamez Contact (956) 795-0000
Angelica Hinojosa Contact (956) 795-0000
Nelly Villa Billing Contact (956) 984-6206

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.