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Workshop Registration Details


SCERTS Model: Assessment and Intervention

STISD will host this training as part of The Innovative Services for Students with Autism Grant.

The SCERTS® Model is a research-based educational approach and multidisciplinary framework that directly addresses the core challenges faced by children and persons with ASD and related disabilities, and their families. SCERTS® focuses on building competence in Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support as the highest priorities that must be addressed in any program, and is applicable for individuals with a wide range of abilities and ages across home, school and community settings.

Special education Staff







Diversity and Special Needs Populations
Special Education
TPESS 3c Communication and interpersonal skills
TTESS 2.3 Communication
TTESS 3.2 Managing Student Behavior

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Workshop Materials

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Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
South Texas ISD - Administration 3/6/2024 - 3/7/2024 08:30 AM 04:00 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Brenda de la Garza Contact

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.