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Workshop Registration Details


Circle Up! Positive & Restorative Practices for Relationship Building and Conflict Resolution

Complete Attendance not available before workshop starts.

This training will provide a comprehensive look at the use of circles as one of the restorative discipline practices. Training will include defining key features of different types of circles, participating in and experiencing a variety of circles, practicing facilitation of different types of circles, identifying ways to evaluate the fidelity of the use of circles, and identifying implementation strategies that will facilitate an effective roll-out of different types of circles.

All levels - Gen Ed/SPED educators and leaders, behavior coaches, counselors, administrators, MTSS coordinators







Discipline Management
Social/Emotional Development
Special Education
Student Behavior
TPESS 4e Discipline
TTESS 1.3 Knowledge of Students
TTESS 3.2 Managing Student Behavior
TTESS 3.3 Classroom Culture

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Workshop Materials

...There are no workshop materials...

Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
Education Service Center
Fort Ringgold Room
10/31/2024 8:30 AM 4:00 PM
Education Service Center
Fort Ringgold Room
11/1/2024 8:30 AM 4:00 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Claudia Garcia Presenter
Angelica Zuniga Contact (956) 984-6241
Nelly Villa Contact (956) 984-6206
Cynthia Luna Contact (956) 984-6142
Ruben Cervantes Contact (956) 984-6261

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.