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Workshop Registration Details


Erasing Limitations: Creating Success in ECSE with AYO JONES

Complete Attendance not available before workshop starts.

Still trying to figure out how to make your lessons and instruction more inclusive and effective for students with disabilities in your early childhood classroom? In this session, you will tap into all the best strategies and tips for adapting and modifying specifically to support students with complex access needs in early childhood. Learn the difference between accommodations and modifications, then explore how to use evidence-based practices to implement inclusive, engaging, and flexible lessons for all learners. Get a focused action plan and tons of ideas on improving your instructional setting to make it more inclusive.

Teachers and staff working with children with disabilites ages 3-5. **Participants must have an email address associated with a district or charter school.







Diversity and Special Needs Populations
Early Childhood
Special Education
TTESS 1.1 Standards and Alignment
TTESS 1.2 Data and Assessment
TTESS 1.3 Knowledge of Students
TTESS 1.4 Activities
TTESS 2.1 Achieving Expectations
TTESS 2.2 Content Knowledge and Expertise
TTESS 2.4 Differentiation
TTESS 2.5 Monitor and Adjust

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Workshop Materials

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Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
Education Service Center
Fort McIntosh Room
6/24/2025 8:30 AM 4:30 PM
Education Service Center
Fort McIntosh Room
6/25/2025 8:30 AM 4:30 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Jennifer Pesina Presenter
Ruben Cervantes Contact (956) 984-6261
Cynthia Luna Contact (956) 984-6142
Angelica Zuniga Contact (956) 984-6241
Nelly Villa Billing Contact (956) 984-6206

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.