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Workshop Registration Details


The Fundamentals of Welding & Certification (AWS) 2-Day Session

Complete Attendance not available before workshop starts.

AWS Welder and Inspector Qualification and Certification Workshop. Training provided by Richard DePue. Important session information: ESC Region 1, TEA IBC Teacher Training Hybrid Workshop, live and hands-on, with portions online.
This agenda may vary slightly to accommodate the experience and needs of the teachers in attendance.

Day 1: Basic Welder Qualification- Classroom
Basic TEA welder certifications, how to conduct, log in, submit, and view certifications, Review of AWS D1.1 Tack, AWS D9.1 Fillet Testing, and AWS D1.1 Fillet Testing Lesson Plans. How to use basic weld inspection tools (provided), Fillet size and Undercut Gauges. Perform measuring and analysis of previously made welds. Essential elements of SMAW and GMAW: more extensive study online, using Miller OpenBook. Oxy Fuel Welding and Cutting: safety, operation, cylinder storage, gasses, special emphasis on cutting propane, certification as OFC Torch Operator. Air Carbon Arc Gouging.

Day 2: Basic Welder Qualification- Classroom
Facilitator demos of welding and torch and use. Teacher welding of IBC test joints. Documentation of testing and logging on to Teacher Oxy-fuel torch set up and shut down, cutting and gouging.

*To receive full credit, teachers will have pre- and/or post-training studies to comply with the requirements for 24 professional development hours.

All participants attending training must be engaged in teaching welding and must have a basic knowledge of welding and be proficient as a welder. This workshop will require teachers to weld and to witness welder testing, all teachers must pass a minimum of two welding tests. Teachers should be able to run simple fillet weld in a T-joint on 1/4" plate.

All participants will receive:
Professional development credit hours, certificate of training and welder certification test record.
Online welder qualification/certification profile in the international certification registry.
Training manual, welder testing lesson plans, and instructional lesson plans.
Basic weld inspection tool kit.

Participants would be required to bring: Welding helmets, welding gloves, long sleeves, safety glasses, closed toe shoes, chipping hammer, wire brush, hand grinder, pliers or vise grips, E7018 1/8" rods.

(Host School Site)- Materials, supplies and equipment needed
1/4" x 2" x 6" steel plates, 3/8" x 3" x 6" steel plates, 1/2" x 4" x 4" steel plates (optional_
SMAW, GMAW power sources
Hydraulic press, Horizontal band saw, Trach torch, Guided bend testing fixture.
1/8" E7018 welding electrodes, ER70S-6 GMAW wire, 75%/25% shielding glass.

Location and phone number for training:
Site: La Joya High School Welding Facility
Address: 604 N. Coyote Blvd., La Joya, TX 78560
Phone: (956) 560-4741 (Jorge Flores, La Joya ISD CTE Director)

Welding Teachers







College/Career Readiness

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Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
La Joya ISD - La Joya High School 2/4/2025 - 2/5/2025 08:00 AM 04:30 PM

Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Jose R. Martinez Contact
Cesar Garcia Contact
Yadirah Guzman Billing Contact

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.