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Workshop Registration Details


2023-24 ESC SLP Webinar Series: Helping Teens & Young Adults with ASD with Social and Communication Skills: Insights & Resources by Joel Shaul, LCSW

Our ESC Collaboration has been putting Texas school-based SLPs first since 2012. We offer top quality webinars with highly respected presenters in the field of communication. Our interactive webinar series has proven to be an excellent source of continuing education for speech-language pathologists and other school staff. Join us in learning all year long through eleven exceptional online opportunities. Reinforce your current knowledge and add new tools to your tool box. In collaboration with ALL twenty Education Service Centers, we deliver highly relevant topics that impact SLPs every day; all conveniently accessed from your location.

The social and communication challenges facing children and young adults on the autism spectrum become more complex during the transition from child to teen to young adult. This workshop session is to enable speech-language pathologists, as well as others assisting youth on the spectrum, to develop a better understanding of these challenges and to build a stronger repertoire of professional responses. First, after reviewing some of the difficult aspects of the transition years, the presenter will show ways to adapt younger-child social skills teaching strategies for older youth. Next, he will introduce several free resources developed for teens and young adults. This session will also address cultural and linguistic aspects of learning differences, provide ideas for adaptations to accommodate specific disabilities as well as meet student needs in inclusive settings. *This session will satisfy the DEI requirements for the maintenance of ASHA certification.












Attendance Hours

LSSP (Licensed Specialist in School Psychology)
Special Education
Speech Language-Pathology
Speech Therapist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Workshop Materials

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Workshop Contacts

Name Type E-Mail Phone
Diane Henning Contact
Marla Asbury Billing Contact

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.