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Workshop Registration Details


2024: Original Mathematics Achievement Academy, Grade 3

Through hands-on activities focusing on grade 3 student expectations for whole number operations and fraction concepts, these trainings are designed to strengthen participants’ knowledge of mathematics concepts and procedures; improve overall mathematics instruction; and lead to student success on statewide assessments and post-secondary readiness.
In the Mathematics Achievement Academy for grade 3, participants will examine the grade 3 TEKS based on learning progressions and critical checkpoints for understanding, experience classroom-ready activities, including formative assessment and follow-up activities that account for learner variability. Participants will build a toolkit of strategies and key questions through analysis of activities for all students as well as explore structures that provide opportunities for meaningful practice and feedback. We will also investigate how to help students with disabilities, learners who seek to be bilingual and biliterate, students struggling to learn mathematics, and learners identified for gifted services.
Seating is limited, and priority will be given to teachers who have not previously attended a Math Academy. Participants must attend all three consecutive dates. This academy establishes a $350 stipend eligibility based on specific requirements: a verified job/grade assignment according to AskTED, first-time participation in a Math Academy, and attendance on all three consecutive dates.









Instructional Strategies



*Region 7 Districts /Charters (FREE)

Workshop Materials

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Dates, Times and Locations

Room Name Workshop Date Begin Time End Time
Education Service Center
Birch Room*
7/17/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM
Education Service Center
Birch Room*
7/18/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM
Education Service Center
Birch Room*
7/19/2024 8:30 AM 3:30 PM

Workshop Presenter(s)

Heather Kleinmann
Jane Tarr

Workshop Contacts

Name Type Department E-Mail Phone
Contact (903) 988-6893

Workshop Liaison(s)

Name Email

Special Accommodations
For requests for special accommodations for this workshop, please contact one of the individuals listed above at least ten(10) business days prior to the workshop date.