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Select Subjects
Accountability Systems
Administration and Leadership
Advanced Academics
All-Level Art (PK-12)
All-Level Health and Physical Education (PK-12)
All-Level Music (PK-12)
All-Level Physical Education (PK-12)
Alternative Certification for Educators
Alternative Certification for Principals
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
Applicable Federal and State Laws
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Assistant Principal (PK-12)
Assistive Technology
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
Bilingual / ESL
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (1-12)
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (4-8)
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (EC-4)
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (EC-6)
Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (EC-8)
Bilingual Generalist-Spanish (4-8)
Bilingual Generalist-Spanish (EC-4)
Bilingual Generalist-Spanish (EC-6)
Bilingual Pre-K/Kindergarten (PK-KG)
Bilingual Pre-K/Kindergarten-Spanish (PK-KG)
Bilingual/ESL (1-6)
Bilingual/ESL (1-8)
Bilingual/ESL (EC-8)
Bilingual/ESL (PK-12)
Bilingual/ESL (PK-6)
Bilingual/ESL (PK-8)
Bilingual/ESL-Spanish (1-6)
Bilingual/ESL-Spanish (1-8)
Bilingual/ESL-Spanish (EC-8)
Bilingual/ESL-Spanish (PK-6)
Business Education (6-12)
Certified Associate in Project Management
Certified Children, Youth, and Family Social Worker (C-CYFSW)
Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM)
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)
Certified Public Manager
Certified Scrum Master
Certified Social Work Case Manager (C-SWCM)
Certified Social Worker in Health Care (C-SWHC)
Chemistry (8-12)
Child Adult Care Food Program
Child Development, Research, How Children Learn
Child Nutrition
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert
Cisco Certified Network Associate
Coaching for Leaders
Coaching for Teachers
College/Career Readiness
CompTIA A+ Certification
Computer Science (8-12)
Core Subjects (EC-6)
Counselor (PK-12)
Critical Thinking
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Dance (8-12)
Diagnosis / Removal of Obstacles to Student Learning
Discipline Management
District / Campus Priorities
District Support Team
Diversity and Special Needs Populations
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education (PK-KG)
Early Childhood Education-Handicapped (PK-6)
Early College High School (ECHS)
Early Intervention Specialist (EIS)
Early Intervention: Birth to Three Years
Educational Aide I
Educational Aide II
Educational Aide III
Educational Diagnostician (EC-12)
Educational Diagnostician (PK-12)
Educational Secretary I
Educational Secretary II
Educational Secretary III
Elementary Art (1-8)
Elementary Bilingual (1-8)
Elementary Bilingual-Spanish (1-6)
Elementary Bilingual/ESL (1-8)
Elementary Bilingual/ESL-Spanish (1-8)
Elementary Biology (1-8)
Elementary Early Childhood Education (PK-6)
Elementary English (1-8)
Elementary English as a Second Language (1-6)
Elementary Health and Physical Education (1-8)
Elementary History (1-8)
Elementary Life-Earth Science (1-8)
Elementary Mathematics (1-8)
Elementary Physical Education (1-8)
Elementary Psychology (1-8)
Elementary Reading (1-6)
Elementary Reading (1-8)
Elementary Self-Contained (1-6)
Elementary Self-Contained (1-8)
Elementary Self-Contained (PK-6)
Elementary Sociology (1-8)
Elementary Spanish (1-8)
Elementary Speech Communications (1-8)
Elementary, All Regular Classes (1-6)
ELPS-English Language Proficiency Standards
Emotionally Disturbed (PK-12)
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (1-8)
English as a Second Language (6-12)
English as a Second Language (PK-12)
English as a Second Language (PK-6)
English as a Second Language Generalist (EC-6)
English as a Second Language Supplemental
English as a Second Language Supplemental (4-12)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (4-8)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (6-12)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (8-12)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-12)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-4)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-8)
English as a Second Language Supplemental (PK-12)
English Language Arts and Reading (4-8)
English Language Arts and Reading (7-12)
English Language Arts and Reading (8-12)
English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies (4-8)
English Language Arts/Reading
ESL Strategies
Fine Arts
FNP - Summer Conference
Food and Nutrition Program
Generalist (4-8)
Generalist (EC-4)
Generalist (EC-6)
Generic Special Education
Generic Special Education (PK-12)
Generic Special Education/All (PK-12)
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented (1-8)
Gifted and Talented Supplemental
Health (EC-12)
Health Education
Health Science Technology (6-12)
Health Science Technology Education (8-12)
Health Services
High School Redesign
Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPCS)
History (7-12)
History (8-12)
Human Resources / Certification
Instruction for Students with Diverse Needs
Instructional Strategies
Instructional Technology
ITIL v2 Foundation
Kindergarten (PK-KG)
Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education (PK-KG)
Language and/or Learning Disabled (PK-12)
Languages Other Than English - Spanish (EC-12)
Learning Resources (Librarian) (PK-12)
Learning Resources Endorsement (PK-12)
Learning Strategies
Library \ Media Services
Life Science (7-12)
Life Sciences (8-12)
Manual Therapy Certified (MTC)
Master Reading Teacher (EC-12)
Master Technology Teacher (EC-12)
Mathematics (4-8)
Mathematics (8-12)
Mentally Retarded (PK-12)
Microsoft Certified Architect
Microsoft Certified IT Professional
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
Mid-Management Administrator (PK-12)
Migrant - IDandR
Migrant - NGS
Music (EC-12)
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)
Network+ Certification
Neuro-developmental Treatment (NDT)
Neurologic Certified Specialist (NCS)
Office Education (6-12)
Office/Business Education (6-12)
Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS)
Other Professional Development
P-16 Initiatives
Parental Involvement
Pediatric Certified Specialist (PCS)
Physical Education
Physical Education (EC-12)
Physical Science (8-12)
Physical Sciences (8-12)
Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS)
Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS)
Principal (EC-12)
Principal (PK-12)
Professional Standards for Educators
Professional Standards for Principals
Professional Standards for Superintendents
Project Management Professional
Project RISE
Project RISE Teacher Attendance
Project Share
Public Relations
Reading Specialist (EC-12)
Reading Specialist (PK-12)
School Board
School Counselor (EC-12)
School Crisis Management
School Librarian (EC-12)
Science (4-8)
Science (7-12)
Science (8-12)
Secondary Art (6-12)
Secondary Biology (6-12)
Secondary Business Administration (6-12)
Secondary Business Composite (6-12)
Secondary Chemistry (6-12)
Secondary Composite Science (6-12)
Secondary Computer Information Systems (6-12)
Secondary Economics (6-12)
Secondary English (6-12)
Secondary English as a Second Language (6-12)
Secondary English Language Arts (6-12)
Secondary English Language Arts Comp (6-12)
Secondary Generic Special Education (6-12)
Secondary Geography (6-12)
Secondary Government (6-12)
Secondary Health and Physical Education (6-12)
Secondary Health Education (6-12)
Secondary History (6-12)
Secondary Industrial Arts (6-12)
Secondary Industrial Technology (6-12)
Secondary Journalism (6-12)
Secondary Life Science (6-12)
Secondary Life-Earth Science (6-12)
Secondary Mathematics (6-12)
Secondary Music (6-12)
Secondary Physical Education (6-12)
Secondary Physical Science (6-12)
Secondary Physics (6-12)
Secondary Psychology (6-12)
Secondary Reading (6-12)
Secondary School Initiatives
Secondary Science Composite (6-12)
Secondary Secretarial Business (6-12)
Secondary Social Studies Composite (6-12)
Secondary Sociology (6-12)
Secondary Spanish (6-12)
Secondary Speech (6-12)
Sensory Integration (SI)
Social Studies
Social Studies (4-8)
Social Studies (7-12)
Social Studies (8-12)
Social/Emotional Development
Spanish Instruction
Spanish Language Arts/Reading
Spanish TEKS
Special Education
Special Education (EC-12)
Special Education Counselor (PK-12)
Special Education Supplemental
Special Education Supplemental (6-12)
Special Education/Elementary (PK-6)
Special Education/Secondary (6-12)
Specialty Certification in Feeding, Eating and Swallowing
Speech (7-12)
Speech (8-12)
Speech and Hearing Therapy (PK-12)
Staff Development/Compliance
Student Behavior
Student Services
Substitute Teaching Certification
Superintendent (EC-12)
Superintendent (PK-12)
Supervisor (PK-12)
Supervisor Special Education (PK-12)
Tech Tuesday
Technology Applications (8-12)
Technology Education (6-12)
Title III, Part A
Trades and Industry Pre-Employment Lab (6-12)
Transition and Assessment
Visually Handicapped (PK-12)
Visually Impaired (PK-12)
Vocational Agriculture (6-12)
Vocational Agriculture Farm and Ranch Maint/VEH (6-12)
Vocational Counselor (6-12)
Vocational CVAE Industrial (6-12)
Vocational Farm and Ranch Mechanical Repair CVAE (6-12)
Vocational General Agriculture Mechanics (6-12)
Vocational Health Science Technology (6-12)
Vocational Home Economics (6-12)
Vocational Home Economics CVAE (6-12)
Vocational Industrial CVAE (6-12)
Vocational Occupational Orientation (6-12)
Vocational Supervisor (6-12)
Vocational Trades and Industry Pre-Empl CVAE/VEH (6-12)
Vocational Trades and Industry Pre-Employment (6-12)
Vocational Trades and Industries (6-12)
WebPlus Tutoring
Youth Violence and Substance Abuse
Online Courses
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